CHAPTER 29 of 364

She was happy with you. You asked her what she would do if you cheated, she told you it would kill her, and that she would walk away without a word. She found out you were cheating even though you didn’t know it, and she never confronted you. She didn’t want to believe that the love of her life would do that to her. After all, he knew how much heartbreak and pain she’d been through before and he loved her. He couldn’t hurt her. She found out she was pregnant, it was bitter sweet. He wasn’t rich. But the little he had which was little they made by with. And when he lacked, she held them afloat. Still, she stayed. Loyalty has a painful price. She loved that little life in her belly. She prayed for it everyday. She would die before anyone tried to harm it. The arguments and shouting matches became routine. He loved her one minute. He wanted her gone the next. The morning sickness ravaged her body, the emotional torture broke her spirit. She looked like a ghost of her former self. 

Then one day he told her, he couldn’t fight for her anymore. She suddenly wasn’t worth his energy. He had to focus on himself, and how to unstick himself from a financial rut he had been stuck in for a while. He couldn’t continue to have her in his house, a place she made a little home for them, anymore. She tried and tried to convince him that she was enough for him, and she won. He got down on his knees and apologized. But for a while, everytime she looked at him, all she saw was how much he had hurt her, how deep he had cut her that her tears flowed freely. 

She came clean to her mother, about the pregnancy. She was so broken and ashamed, her mother held her and for moment let her out down her guard, and let it all out. Her mother teared up as she looked at the hollow shell her daughter had become. She held on to her tightly and said an audible prayer. 

“It’s not the end of the world sweety, it’s the beginning of a new chapter. You have to stay strong for that child you’re carrying. God’s plans are mysterious.”

She went for a scan, and heard the baby’s heartbeat. The love that crowned in her heart, was so overwhelming, she cried silently for a while in that office. 

Day by day, she got used to the idea and happily shared the news with her friends. She moved back home. Her mother never let her out of her sight. 

He continued with his emotional abuse, and she somehow found a way to block it all. He cheated again. He still didn’t know she knew. 

She finally had enough. She had another life to live for. She had to live for herself too. She disengaged herself from him. She began to heal. 

Labor knocked on her door. Her mom held her hand through the entire process. She cried tears of joy when she held her baby for the first time. Her life had completely changed. All the pain forgotten. She was in love.

She quietly walked away from him. She left him and his baggage in the previous chapter of her life. She was living again.


Often we fall in love with the wrong person. Yet we love them with everything we are. Before committing to any relationship, take it before the Lord in prayer. Not just a one off prayer. Really go down on your knees and seek Him out about it. Take some time. Three months minimum. And if you don’t believe in God, just use the 90 Day Rule. I guarantee you’ll have leave known the type of character of that person. 

Don’t stick around for the abuse. You can love a man with all your soul but you’ll never be able to change a man. He will only change for ONE girl. And if that isn’t you, pick yourself up and walk away. You’ll find the one. Trust God. 

Love yourself enough to realize you don’t need a man to make you happy. Loyalty comes with a hefty price tag. But don’t worry. You’ll be red for your struggle. 

But above all, If God has not ordained it, it shall not pass. So don’t force it. Learn to walk away from situations that are not meant from you. No one said it would be easy but hey, we’ve all got to learn to love ourselves right? Good day fam. 


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